7 Lash and Brow Growth Brands to Stock in Salon Now
Stockists of lash and brow growth products have been seemingly thrown into disarray recently since word spread that EyEnvy would no longer be stocking in Australia. Professional Beauty can confirm that such reports are factual, according to EyEnvy’s Australian distributor, Miss M Beauty.
The nature of this decision and its impact on Australian salon stockists, however, remains unclear.
Several rumours surrounding the decision to cease distribution have made the rounds industry-wide – notably supply issues, the retirement of the brand’s Canadian distributor, and the death of the manufacturer. As Professional Beauty understands it, none of such rumours have been confirmed to be true.
An EyEnvy product was banned in Canada because “all lots contain undeclared Isopropyl Cloprostenate that is listed on the [Canadian] prescription drug list,” notes an alert issued by the Government of Canada in April 2022. It has since been publicly reported that Australian distribution could follow suit in being “ripped from Australian shelves”.
With plans to stock an alternative offering in-salon, we’ve rounded up 7 lash and brow growth brands worth considering:
Lash Rehab

Founded by sisters and salon owners Kea and Violet Rogers, Lash Rehab is a relatively new brand on the scene, yet with over a decade’s combined industry experience behind it. The duo is passionate about manufacturing their sensitivity-and-pregnancy-safe solutions in Australia.
To stock, contact The Lash Rehab via their website.
READ MORE AT: https://www.professionalbeauty.com.au/beauty/brows-and-lashes/7-lash-brow-growth-brands-to-stock-in-salon-now/