Want Long Lashes? Check Out The Lash Rehab
Robyn Foyster Robyn Foyster has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team
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Editor - Feb 27, 2022
Many people would argue that the eyes are the most attractive feature of a person’s face. So much expression comes from your eyes that you can tell if someone is smiling at your when they are wearing a mask.
And one of the things that helps your eyes stand out are luscious long lashes which is why we all want them.
Now, there’s a number of products on the market that claim to help grow your lashes. I wouldn’t have thought it was possible until I saw the results myself from a friend who let me into her secret – a new Australian beauty product on the market which helps enhance your lashes with its scientifically formulated eyelash enhancing growth serum. Yep a growth serum that helps thicken your lashes.
The product is called the Lash Rehaband it has been created to help nourish, grow and repair your natural eyelashes. In fact, it claims you’ll see the appearance of thicker, longer eyelashes in 4-8 weeks, and full results in as little as 12 weeks.
The Lash Rehab uses a triple peptide formula combined with natural active ingredients scientifically formulated to target the three different stages of the eyelash growth cycle, Anagen, Catagen, Telogen. The Lash Rehab starts from the Anagen stage where it penetrates into the dermis to build a strong cellular foundation for the eyelash follicle, then in the Catagen stage The Lash Rehab focuses on the eyelash follicles, stimulating substantial growth at an early stage, combined with nourishing active ingredients for strength and conditioning. Finally, in the Telogen stage, The Lash Rehab focuses on nourishing the natural eyelashes to prolong the eyelash lifecycle giving extended length to a normal eyelash life and thus the appearance of longer, thicker and fuller eyelashes.
It is vegan, and of course, cruelty-free.
Beautiful natural eyelashes are available to be delivered globally – www.thelashrehab.com
READ MORE AT: https://thecarousel.com/beauty-fashion/want-long-lashes-check-out-the-lash-rehab/
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